Welcome, have fun exploring, and feel free to drop a note if you have any questions

Oil on wood panel, 10 x 10 inches, 2016

Oil on wood panel, 10 x 10 inches, 2016

3 x 2 inches, oil on paper, 2015

Oil on wood panel, 13 x 12 inches, 2016

Ferdinand Oil on wood panel, 12 x 12 inches, 2015

More Than Words Oil on wood panel, 16 x 12 inches

Momemto Mori Oil on panel, 2.5 x 2 inches

Date Night Oil on wood panel, 25 x 15 inches

Lady Catwoman Oil on wood panel, 7 x 5 inches

Lord Batman Oil on wood panel, 7 x 5 inches

It's Like That Oil on wood panel, 14 x 11 inches

Cloud Nine Oil on wood panel, 14 x 11 inches

Abduction of the Simian Women Oil on wood panel, 42 x 42 inches

Knowledge is Power Oil on wood panel 10 x 8 inches

Castaway (Mary Ann) Oil on wood panel, 16 x 12 inches

Castaway (Lovey) Oil on wood panel, 16 x 12 inches

Castaway (Thurston) Oil on wood panel, 16 x 12 inches

Castaway (Ginger) Oil on wood panel, 16 x 12 inches

Biggie Bird (Notorious B.I.R.D.) Oil on wood panel, 7 x 5 inches

Clear All The Madness Oil on wood panel, 9.5 x 7.5 inches

Morning Glory Circle (diptych, left) Oil on wood panel, 10 x 10 inches

Morning Glory Circle (diptych, right) Oil on wood panel, 10 x 10 inches

Get Your Hero On Oil on wood panel, 20 x 16 inches

Moss Fawn Oil on wood panel, 16 x 12 inches

N.W. A. (Nuthatches With Attitude) Oil on wood panel, 23 x 17.5 inches

Lil Bub's Moonlight Ride Oil on wood panel, 7 x 5 inches

The Arrival of the Snow Bunny Oil on wood panel, 20 x 24 inches

The A-Team (Athena) Oil on wood panel, 9 x 6 inches

The A-Team (Murdock) Oil on wood panel, 3 x 3 inches

The A-Team (Baracus) Oil on wood panel, 3 x 3 inches

Isabel Samaras
Known for lush and meticulously painted riffs on Old Masters that feature pop culture icons of the past, Isabel Samaras’ ribald images are woven with references to classic horror movies, ancient mythologies, cherished TV characters, tribal societies, and childhood fairy tales. Magical realism and the forbidden fantasies of fabled characters frolic in a world where elusive desires become reality, re-imagining ill-fated journeys that turn into enchanted honeymoons. A common thread that runs through much of Samaras’ work like a red string tied to her heart is that of love: maternal affection, romantic devotion, illicit enchantments, tender yearnings, unrequited passion, and the idea that everyone, even monsters or disembodied hands can find someone to love them. Her painted narratives, classical in technique and pop in content, often revolve around issues of making things end the way we wish they would. Exploring “What if?” and “Why not?” she brings human desires and foibles to fictional characters, studying the human condition through the eyes of popular culture by jamming old and new together in the visual equivalent of a mash-up song.
Fade To Black
Riverside Art Museum, Riverside, CA
In Our Veins
Nuvango Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Last Gasp Anniversary Show
111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Napoleon Complex
AFA Gallery, New York, NY
"Now Subverting: Isabel Samaras" on the New York Times blog:
By Andy Port / May 19, 2009
"The Pop Culture Genius of Isabel Samaras" on KPBS:
By Angela Carone / Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"Happy Endings with Isabel Samaras" on KQED:
By Ben Marks / November 6, 2012
"Isabel Samaras Goes Into the Woodz" on NBC Bay Area:
"Artist Profile Series: Isabel Samaras" on the Warholian:
WARHOLIAN / June 8, 2011
"The Cartwheel Interview with Isabel Samaras" on CARTWHEEL:
By Keith Dugas / October 29, 2012
"Making A Better Yesterday Today: Isabel Samaras" on Laughing Squid:
By Justin Page / November 1, 2012
"Preview: Isabel Samaras" on High Fructose:
By Nastia Voynovskaya / October 31, 2012
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